The “Mirrors of Eternity” is a painting that was initially conceived in the spring time of 2016 when I was a Sophomore in college. I was in a class titled “Evolutions and Extinctions” which explored the biological and geological evolution of Earth. We touched on the topic of epigenetics which is technically “the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.” So essentially our behavior and our environment can cause changes to how our genes work. We pass on our genes to our children and behaviors to everything around us.
I personally see epigenetics as the biological and psychological proof of karma and reincarnation. When I had this intense realization in the middle of class the form on the foreground of the canvas exploded into my mind. It took me months to even take the sketch and put it onto canvas. I knew that it needed to be human sized even though I had no idea what I was doing. This piece was the first time I ever stretched a canvas. It took years on and off to figure out what was even going on in the background and foreground. The frame is made of painted wood with glass tiles and it was also the first time I ever made a frame period so there are a good amount of flaws when one looks closely at the details. I took months and one time a whole year off on it and even ended up repainting most of it because I believe so strongly in this vision. This piece of art took approximately 4 and a half years on and off to finish and sits at 7 feet tall by 42 inches wide.
With the help of some contemporaries and my partner Marlee I started a language of colors and symbols that aims to awake the viewer to how the process of spiritual enlightenment is intertwined with biology, psychology, technology and art and not this “other thing” that most major religions consider it.
Here is a breakdown of the language:
Red: Negative
Blue: Positive
Purple: Love, Unity, Divinity
Orange: Fire, Suffering, Intense Change
Green: Life force, prana, chi, earth energy
Black: Void, Emptiness
White: Pure light, Solar Conciousness, Christ Conciousness
Greyscale: Everything between void and pure light
Circular Mandelbrot forms: Representations of the unseen, all knowing, all loving mind of the universe
Gold: precious, sacred, End result of alchemical transmutation
Rainbow: Visible light spectrum of human beings, Representation of the unique human experience
Rainbow shells around eyes: The human ego
Fluorescent UV colors: Sight beyond eyesight, Intuitive sight, seeing beyond normal waking conciousness, Implication of unseen dimensions right in front of us
Hourglass: Time
It potrays the egoic self awakening to the unending, all knowing universal self that we refer to as “God” not as a separate entity from ourselves but very much a dimension of ourselves that we have largely forgotten about in western rational culture. I very much appreciate feedback and any comments on my work! Send me an email through the contact form whenever you want to.