“Ego Death” is the form of living death that we experience during intense and rapid changes in our lives. We often cling to relationships, structures, emotions or ideas of the past or future (etc.) We think they are actually “there” but then suddenly they are no longer there for us to identify with. This can be any form of attachment be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. This experience is not always pleasant while it is happening, but is ultimately extremely positive in the aftermath. Regardless of what you thought you lost you realize that there wasn’t anything to “lose” or to “gain” in the first place.
The bloodshot eye in the center is designed to appear stressed; it is also a representation of human perspective and awareness. The rainbow shell around the outside of the eye is a representation of the human ego. The DNA strands are simultaneously making up and unraveling the shell which is constantly in flux. The Venn diagram-esque design coming from the top and bottom are positive and negative blending together into a single awareness; this is represented as blue and red mixing into purple. The flames coming from the sides are simultaneously reminiscent of diamonds and fire. Fire is a representation of suffering, awakening, enlightenment and extreme change. Diamonds are representations of perfection and clarity. Think of your ego as a self perpetuating construct forever moving towards perfection; a process that is natural to everyone.